Holy Spirit Expectancy


Acrylic and Mixed Media
20”W x 16″H on canvas board/no frame

Scripture: From the words of the apostle Paul, “…being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.”
Philippians 1:6 NIV

Message: Recently, I was doing some reading in a book called “Life with God” by Richard J. Foster in
preparation for something I will be doing in a few weeks. While I am well along in the preparation, Foster gave me a new consideration – cultivating a Holy Spirit expectancy that God will act in and through my effort of what I can do. And I need to become a doer of the Word and God will bring about the transformation that I seek.

As I take steps to cooperate with God in this endeavor, the Holy Spirit will do within me what I am powerless to do myself. As I think about the upcoming work, I am reminded that I am not in control of any of it, God is!

I am thankful with that direction (a hope, and a steadfast anchor of my soul)!! Thank you Jesus!




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